Our World Tour

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Saturday, 21 March 2009

Fri 20th March - Let crying teenagers be!

Ugh, it’s gone 10am and I’m still so knackered! Luckily, the majority of the room are all away – so I’ll never know which couple was ‘at it’ and which folk were supposed to be in my dorm! The shame of it all! I notice there are two girls in the bunk opposite me and I get chatting to them. They’re hung-over to hell and they eventually apologise for the rabble last night.
I meet the boys for breakfast and we decide to head up to the top of the gondola…..by walking it…..hmmm….methinks Hayley is going to go into anti-walking mode and start moaning a lot!
We walk alongside the lake and head past the One Mile Powerhouse and up towards the gondola. It takes us just over 2hours and its pretty hard going at times and as usual, Hayley as some episodes along the way – mainly aimed at Dave and his patronising “Come on, you can do it!’ ARGH SHUT IT!!!
Anyhoo, we managed it and feels good looking down at the whole of Queenstown down below. We have a well deserved coffee and roll in the café and have a look at the luge and the Ledge Bungy. It’s hilarious watching all the peeps do their bungy jump, especially this wee Chinese dude. He takes a running jump and does the arms flailing around look – bless him! He looks like he does his back in as he just lies there, waiting to be pulled back up. However, he’s all good and was just enjoying the feeling of being suspended up in the air, haha.
We walk back down to the bottom, which is slightly tough on the old knees but not half as bad as going up the way! Once back down, everyone has a shower and wee snooze before hitting happy hour at the Irish pub. The night actually turns out to be a bit of sesh as we’re all celebrating not having to be telesales reps and looking forward to the apple packing. We visit the World bar, Frasers on the wharf and Altitude back at Base. There’s a pole in Frasers which Aaron and Dave start strutting their stuff on…..oh deary me…..and in World bar some drunken ass decides to spew on both me and Dave!!! ARGH!!!!! How hideous!!!! That has never happened to me before and I feel proper violated!! I scrub my arm raw and hope I never this that boy again or he’ll get the ‘Hayley Rage!’The night ends up with me consoling some emotional wreck of a girl in Dave’s room. Lucky for Dave, he’s sharing a dorm with three 19year olds from Surrey and 4 young Dutch lads. However, tonight it’s one of the girls’ 19th birthday and she got too wrecked and got chucked out of the club. Her mates took her home where she collapsed into bed. Dave walks in at 3am and she’s awake and balling her eyes out, screaming that her mates are evil bitches and that their friendships are over. He can’t cope with girlie tears, as he’s a bloke so it’s Hayley to the rescue. I try to console this child for the good part of an hour, even speaking to her boyfriend in the UK (on her mobile –oh dear, she’s gonna regret that, when the bill comes in – nah maybe not, as the parentals probably pay for it!), but she doesn’t stop crying and even says to her boyf ‘I’ve got strangers stroking my hair and I don’t know where my real friends are’. What?! How ungrateful. Sod this for a lark so I head to bed – ugh, it’s now past 4am...


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