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Friday, 13 February 2009

Fri 13th Feb - Unlucky Stabby Things

Well, who here believes in Friday the 13th????? A few of us do now - especially Dave!!!! Poor Davey boy. I start to feel like I’m going to vomit after visiting the supermarket for some fake sprite to help with the hangover – ugh not good in this heat! Then we all meet up for a nice leisurely breakfast, sorry, brunch and head to the beach.
It’s proper baking yet again, so we’re in and out of the water trying to cool down. The next thing I know is Dave is hopping out of the water and grimacing away. Turns out he stood on some crazy sea urchin type thing and has 3 needles/spikes coming out of his heel – eeeeeeeek!!! We try not to panic and hope he doesn’t have an allergic reaction or anything…..all is looking ok when the first aid kit comes out and he manages to pull out the huge spike. I run off and get some antihistamines and try soothing noises to help!! He keeps an eye on the foot during the day and there’s no swelling or anything untoward – so a lucky escape really. We spy another 2 lads hopping out of the sea and they end up the same – just keep it clean and put some cream on it.
Eve has managed to recover from the evil Chang hangover and makes it to the beach as well – yay!! We fill her in on details of last nite and all have a giggle at the plight of us all. We head for dinner at a nice Thai restaurant which is showing a knock off DVD of ‘Marley and Me’ – man, how sad is that film?! And I only followed it with subtitles on – dying dogs set me off
Fairly tame night with everyone behaving / too scared to be ill the next day with a hangover!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've totally just ruined that movie now!!!!!!!!!! RAGE!!! Just for that YOU deserve to have been stabbed in the arse by those wee evil sea creatures!! Shame on you and your movie-ruining ways!!

Wee Tam