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Saturday, 25 April 2009

Sat 25th April - ANZAC Day

Today is ANZAC Day – Australia, New Zealand, Army Corporation – basically their version of our Rememberance Sunday. It’s a national holiday, but as those pesky apples don’t stop getting picked for no one, we have to work. However, we’re going to have Monday 4th May off – which is good as it’s a week day and things will actually be open!
We get to work and before we start, one of the old dudes does a reading and then Karen (annoying teacher woman) plays The Last Post on the horn. It’s really moving and some of the old biddies are crying – bless them. It’s all over after 10 minutes and we get to work.
The morning is oh so slow with bugger all apples coming through. Apparently, these Fuji apples aren’t the right colour, so a lot get shipped off to get made into juice as they can’t be sold in shops! How discriminative!
However, after lunch we change to Braeburn apples and all hell breaks loose!!!!! APPLE PANDEMONIUM!! Man alive, Rachel and I have uber crazy lines and end up binning / dropping about 3 yellow crates worth of apples…….it just couldn’t be helped!! The machine eventually gets stopped for us to catch up, but then it happens all over again! Oh and then the stupid tray woman – who looks like Yoko Uno – doesn’t put trays through on mine and Rachel’s lines…..we had a conveyor belt FULL of apples and NO trays – oh the drama!!! If this had happened in my first week, I would’ve left but now I can just laugh at the faff of it all…..fun times you see!!
Poker Night – then everyone went out but pubs shut –haha – so they all went to Villa Rose. I was too knackered and potential for me falling asleep there was immense, and I didn’t want to get covered in marker pen! Aaron didn’t go either – funny that!


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