Our World Tour

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Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Last Day of Work, Last Day of the Year, Last Three Injections

Well, yesterday saw us both getting the last three of our nine injections - so that's us now hopefully immune to a lot of nasty diseases!! Tomorrow sees the last day of 2008 and also the last day of work for the next 6 months or so.

Now we can look forward to our leaving do on the 10th and start to think about packing – although admittedly, finding the time to fit things into a small rucksack won’t be that difficult!!

Now the countdown begins proper!!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Getting Ready to Go, Mapping Update & Injections

Right - thats us all booked up so I've added our stop off points onto the route map - Pink means we haven't done it yet, Blue means that we have

We go on 15/01/09 and the tickets ended up costing £2200 each including all taxes not bad for all of the flights we are getting!

We've now had 6 of our 9 injections, we opted to go for Hep B, Rabies and Japanese Encephalitis - we get our final injections on 29/12/08. With the anti Malaria stuff we ended up paying £320 each - a bit steep but then again, I don't fancy catching any of these diseases